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Li Yunfeng

Male division director

Be good at:
Impotence premature ejaculation

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Qu Zhaojun

Male division director

Be good at:

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Wan Jun

Male division director

Be good at:
Reproductive infection

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  • * specification:accurate diagnosis of etiology, scientific and strict treatment
  • * parity:the Tianjin Health Bureau approved the standard charges
  • * authority:international excellence male division medical cooperation unit
  • * convenient:24 hours network consulting and booking registration
  • * consideration:independent male treatment of interrogation zone

2012-2021. Copyright Tianjin Apollo division hospital
Tel: 022-27585111
Nankai District the Yellow River Road 38, Tianjin
This website information only do health reference, specific diagnosis and treatment please follow the doctor opinion

There is no need to worry about male division disease

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